Mother of Life Center

Sharing the Source of Life


Fruit of the prophetic vision of Blessed Father Marie-Eugène of the Child-Jesus, OCD.

  • 1967: Founded by Miss Mathilde Beckers (1917-2004)
  • 1993: Offers a Master of Arts in Religious Education (MARE)
  • 2015-2016: Offers the Certificate Program Formation for the transmission of faith (FTF)
  • 2017: Celebration of its 50th Golden Jubilee Anniversary
  • 2021: Offers the formation program for the youth Vivit Dominus (“The Lord Lives”) (VD)
  • 2021-2022: New curriculum for the Master of Arts (MARE) Degree Program

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Mother of Life Center envisions committed, competent, and joyful MISSIONARY-DISCIPLES of CHRIST in the Philippines and in Asia engaged in catechesis, various Church ministries, and secular professions, witnessing to God’s mercy and leading people to God!

Our Mission

Mother of Life Center is a Catholic, inter-diocesan institution in the Philippines whose mission is to form missionary-disciples of Christ through:

  • An integral and holistic human and Christian formation.
  • A living encounter with God and fraternal communion in the Church.
  • Appreciation of one’s own culture and engagement in interpersonal dialogue.
  • Cooperation with the Holy Spirit and discernment of God’s will.
  • Proclamation of Jesus everywhere with creative courage, following in the footsteps of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Life.

Five Pillars

The Primacy of God

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God is a living God and calls everybody to his joyful holiness. The Mother of Life Center proposes ways to recognize and follow this call, and discover God’s action in our daily life. In a world that grows ever more indifferent to God, the Center wants to awaken in men and women the sense of God and help them discover the deep meaning of human life.

Integral and holistic formation

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Man is a complex being who experiences division within him. The Mother of Life Center proposes an integral and holistic formation of all the dimensions of the human person (physical, affective, psychosocial, intellectual and spiritual) in order to create inner unity, build human and spiritual maturity, and cultivate personal freedom and responsibility.

Comm-unity life

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The experience of communion in a family and in communities is essential for human life. The Mother of Life Center proposes concrete means to build fraternal community and to develop the capacity for interpersonal relationships inspired by Gospel values.

Openness to Asia

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Everybody is rooted in a particular culture and the Christian faith is always lived out in a cultural way. The Mother of Life Center helps its members to discover and appreciate the specific culture where they are born and raised, and opens a living dialogue with persons coming from different Asian cultures in order to find ways for a respectful and meaningful proclamation of the Gospel.

Evangelization with the Holy Spirit

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The testimony of the missionary disciple is guided by the Holy Spirit who inspires creativity and courage in mission and evangelization. The Mother of Life Center encourages openness to him and proposes ways on how to collaborate with him in order to form faithful witnesses of God’s mercy.


the bamboo

symbolizes not only the Philippines but also Asia which we would like to reach by welcoming other Asians to avail of the programs and the formation offered in MOL; the bamboo also symbolizes the virtues of resilience and adaptation with regard to the pressing needs of our times and in particular, those that touch upon the ministry of catechesis and the transmission of the faith.

the golden half circle

symbolizes the divine life, while the green half circle, that of our life here on earth; their interaction is dynamic and open and signifies the characteristics of the formation that is offered in MOL: integral, human and Christian.

the dove-figure

symbolizes the Holy Spirit, our Friend, Whose promptings we would like to faithfully follow in order to become truly effective missionary-disciples of Christ.

the woman with a child in her arms

is no other than Mary, Mother of Life and our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Source of Life, Whom we want to share with everyone as indicated by the words “Sharing the Source of Life”.


Blessed Father Marie-Eugène of the Child-Jesus, O.C.D.

Blessed Father Marie-Eugène of the Child-Jesus, O.C.D.

Founder of the Secular Institute Notre-Dame de Vie

A father, a spiritual master, an intercessor 

The Secular Institute of Notre-Dame de Vie.

The Secular Institute of Notre-Dame de Vie.

A Secular Institute in the great family of Carmel

It consists of three autonomous branches: the consecrated lay women & men, and consecrated priests; it is present in more than 20 countries, one of which is the Philippines since 1954. 

Miss Mathilde Beckers (1917-2004)

Miss Mathilde Beckers (1917-2004)

Foundress of Mother of Life Center

An “awakener of the Spirit” in all those who came to Mother of Life Center.