Mother of Life Center


“Be formed, be sent as missionary-disciples of Christ !”


Master of Arts in Religious Education (MARE)

❖ A two-year Master of Arts (MA) Degree Program consisting in a stay-in academic and Christian formation for the first year.

❖ A supervised pastoral year with completion of academic requirements for the second year.

Online Formation for the Transmission of the Faith (FTF) NEW !

❖ A non-degree certificate program for those who would like to be formed or enriched in the art of transmitting the Christian Faith.


 Vivit Dominus (VD) (“The Lord Lives”)
Youth Formation Program

❖ 4 weeks of stay-in holistic formation program for the youth.

❖ To grow deeper in faith, freedom, and responsibility and to live as mature Christians who are able to discern and respond to the call of God.

Ongoing Formation Program

❖ For professional Christian Life Educators (CLE), religious teachers and catechists.

❖ Seminar-workshops on Faith Formation and Transmission (CPD accredited ongoing formation program).



” My constant searching led me to MOL. I was surrounded with overlowing Love. Such love & understanding was just so overflowing that I started shedding off what is not love in me”. To be a MOLian, is to be an intermediary of the Easter proclamation, “we have seen the Lord”. – Anne Saludes Aguilar, the 25th Gen: San Juanistas

Yna, Janelle & Jade, from the 1st Generation of Vivit Dominus (“The Lord Lives”) Youth Formation Program

See their testimony 

“Being part of the FTF MOL Formation is not just a blessing but an opportunity as well to grow deeper in my faith. The learnings from our mentors imprinted a mark not just in my mind but indeed also in my heart and soul. It helped and guided me in my prayer life as I journey through good and or trying times. I will be forever grateful and indebted to MOL FTF Program and to God. I will use my learnings serving the church and its people.”  – Myla A. Rico, FTF Batch 4






Catechetical video